... a busy and productive week. I’ve been going to SM Clark & Robinson Balibago alternately to complete my Christmas gifts for my kids, relatives & god children. At the same time, I have completed the American Accent Training. Wow! congratulations to me!!!
I enjoyed the training immensely. The ice breakers really kept us all awake and attentive during the discussion. I learned so much from it and improved my confidence in speaking the English language. I can say I can help in handling calls if the need arises. I look forward to another training second or third week of January next year.
The only thing I failed to do is to accompany my kids in their respective Christmas party due to the training I just mentioned. I assigned it to Ate Nits (my kids nanny) and she accomplished the task well.
Yesterday & today are my days off and I filed a leave for Monday to Tuesday to be able to spend Christmas with my kids, family & relatives. In fact, later tonight we’ll attend a Christmas party with my in laws. Then Noche Buena and Christmas Day with my in laws again. We’ll welcome the new year with my parents since my sister & her husband are coming after Christmas. The most exciting part is the whole family trip to Baguio on January 5 & 6. It’s my kids first time in the summer capital and everybody is quiet excited about it.
8 months ago