I am immensely enjoying my well deserve rest from work since October 29. I’ll be back to work on Nov. 02, if president Noynoy Aquino will not declare it as a holiday.
But before my vacation, I got too busy accompanying my kids in their practice and performance for the Achiever’s School Festival. My eldest CJ joined the Cheering Dance competition held last October 27. He was also part of the Jabbawokidz who rendered a special dance number in the early part of the program. CJ was undeniably excited before, during and after the Jabbawokeez performance. He considered it as one of the happiest event in his life. He would watch Jabbawokeez in youtube almost everyday as part of his preparation for their dance number. Unlike in the Cheerdance, he joined because it was a requirement, their grades in PE subject will be based in their participation in the Festival.

On the other hand, my daughter Acey was part of the Mass Demo held last October 28. They rendered a broadway performance and gracefully danced to the tune of Life is a Cabaret, Big Spender and New York, New York. They all looked cute and pretty in their costumes.

I only had 2 hours of sleep for 2 consecutive days. I can not afford to miss the performance of my kids even if it will cause me sleeplessness (is there such a word?). I admit I am a stage mom. I uploaded pictures as soon we got home after every performance so that I could show them to hubby. He’s certainly as excited as I am to see the photos of our kids and who knows, maybe one of them will realize performing onstage is a passion and will bring it to next level :P.