Eversince my sister and my niece came home for vacation, actually my sister is pregnant on her second baby and is due to deliver on August 06 via ceasarian section, we've been spending our weekends eating, bringing the kids out somewhere, karaoke singing and do everything that would make us laugh out loud and put huge smile on our faces.
Last Sunday we went to Monasterio de Tarlac. It was a long trip, took us more than an hour to reach our destination, there was no dull moment since the SUV car is full with both adults and kids. We took a lot of pictures, made funny poses especially yours truly. Unfortunately, the mass was already on going when we arrived in the monastery.
The place is impressive. The reception area is spacious and tidy. A lot of people visit the monastery even if it is far away if you come from other province like Pampanga. The comfort rooms are clean with glade air refresheners. You just have to drop a donation for using the comfort room with any amount.
If you have no qualms taking long travels and in search of a place that'll give you relaxing and tranquil atmosphere, Monasterio de Tarlac is the perfect place to be.
8 months ago