While waiting for our turn, I’m craving for Nestle Yogurt. I bought this product five times already and have always choose strawberry flavor. Aside from the fact that it’s healthy, I love it’s creaminess and real fruit flavor...yummy!
As expected, Dr. Ayson prescribed anti biotic and cough suppressant. Acey won’t be attending school tomorrow for a full day rest so she can be physically & mentally prepared during exam on Thursday & Friday.
After the check up, we immediately proceeded to Manson Drug & Convenience Store to buy Acey’s medicine and Nestle Yogurt. Unfortunately, the yogurt inside the chillers were about to expire in 2 days. I didn’t get any even if I’m dying to have one for tonight. While I write this blog, I’m eating Moo Selecta ice cream that has the creamy & smooth taste of my beloved Nestle yogurt.

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