This is my very first post for this year. I have a lot of stories to tell, events that transpired before 2007 ends but I’d like to start my post with something positive. 50 Blessings & more is an entry in my Friendster Blog and I am posting it here.
From the book "Simplify and Live a Good Life" by Bo Sanchez, to appreciate life even more, the author suggested that we make a list of the 50 blessings we have received. It can be people, items, events or memories.
By the way, this was also accomplished by Kris Aquino, my favorite local TV host and was recently published in her K Magazine when she personally shared her insights on PAIN, FAITH, HOPE & JOY. She made her list of things that brings her JOY.
Normally, we look for something we don't have, we want to have that something that other people possess and when we don't get it, we end up frustrated, demotivated and eternally dissatisfied. We fail to recognize the blessings and graces that God had showered upon us because we're so blind and mindless of what we already have.
Here are the list I've written in less than an hour and I am delighted to share them with you:
1. John my husband, my partner, my confidante & my friend. He's currently working abroad (QATAR). He's someone very close to his loved ones but he took the challenge to be away from me and his kids just so he could provide us of our needs.
2. My parents who give me abundance of support, very loving to my kids and genuinely care for them.
3 & 4. CJ & Acey are my greatest blessings. Motherhood maybe tough but fulfilling. I love it when CJ would pick small flowers and would give them to me. As my way of showing my appreciation, I would wear them in my left ears and give him a kiss. When I watch TV, Acey would hold my face in her tiny hands and utter the words " I LOVE YOU, MAMA" trying to get my attention. I would respond giving her hugs & kisses.
5. Clark is the youngest brother of my husband who’s now in Japan. He's my kid's favorite Tito. When we were still living with my in laws, he would take care of Acey when I'm in the office.
6. My sister Que is such a big help to me. Whenever I'm at work, she would volunteer to bring CJ or Acey to their pedia for their check up. She would treat them to Jollibee during payday. She is now in Qatar with her fiance' and I am truly happy that she has found the man she would share the rest of her life with. We constantly communicate through email.
7. Ate Tess who we fondly call "Kulot" for obvious reason, a friendly and concern neighbor. She would observe the kids and our house when I'm working and would report to me what has transpired the next day.
8. Ate Nits is the nanny of my kids. She treats my kids like her own. She has the initiative to clean the entirety of our apartment so I could spend my off resting all day.
9. Old and New friends. I treasure friendship and loyalty. It feels good to know there is someone ready to listen to your joys and sorrows. Having a never ending talk with a friend/s instantly destress me. I am glad that my college friends and I had our get together last December 27 we really had a blast!
10. Ednalee & Pao are my close friends in AOL and business partners at the same time.
11. My PET Colleagues. I'm learning so much dealing with diverse people. Their energy is contagious, although the work we do maybe dreary at times because you're doing the same thing over & over again but we're like family and everybody knows how to have fun.
12 & 13. Uncle Louie & Uncle Willie, both helped my husband John enter Dubai. The former sponsored John to have access in a foreign land and be employed in a decent company while the latter provided financial support.
14. My late mother-in-law, we have a good mother & daughter -in- law relationship despite our differences. She's prayerful and humble, she would invite me join her going to Grotto to pray, without her knowing it, she pushed me closer to God.
15. The First Family compose of my brother, my sister in law Ann and their kids, Tweety & Ken. They live with my parents and when we're altogether, the house is filled with noise, clutter and most of all love and concern for each other.
16 & 17. PS2 and desktop computer
The PS2 is John's gift to CJ when he turned 7 years old. Instead of a birthday party, we decided to give CJ a PS2. Aside from learning to play the games, CJ is learning some English terms which I didn't know when I was his age.
The desktop computer entertains my kids by palying games online. When I want my kids to behave especially when I'm busy and do not wish to be disturbed, I would let simply turn the PC or let them play PS2.
17. TV & DVD Player
Watching movies at night especially during day off relaxes me.
18. Eternity Perfume Set
John brought me an Eternity perfume and lotion set when he came home last October. I know how much it cost 'coz I saw one in SM Department store. Everytime I see it in my room, it reminds me how special I am to my better half.
19. Clinique Happy Perfume
It’s my sister’s Christmas gift to me. I love it’s scent. I feel fresh & clean everytime I wear it.
20. AOL Watch
I won an AOL watch during our 2006 Christmas party for the AOL Support Queue, the one I got was a male AOL watch which I gave to my father and brought him good luck. He would often win in the cockfight he would attend usually every Sunday.
21. Stylish watch
I bought myself a stylish watch from one of my officemate. A lot of people including sales lady would notice it and find it nice.
22. Oven Toaster
Every day off, I would take a long walk just to be able to buy my favorite hot pandesal and if there's some left the next morning, I use my oventoaster and after 2 mins, I'm eating hot pandesal with cheezwhiz on it and coffee. That's my perfect breakfast. I'll never get tired of it.
23. Cleopatra Seat
I bought this one when I was in the GY shift. It's too hot to sleep in a bed or sofa in daytime especially during summer when the climate is unbearably hot. This seat is sturdy for my weight...haha.
24. JML Easy Stitch
I'm learning to sew curtains. I made one already for our kitchen to match our curtain in our living room.
25. Landphone (DIGITEL)
Last November, a prepaid DIGITEL line was installed in our apartment. My mom and I would check on my kids by calling them from time to time. John is now able to talk to CJ & Acey a lot of times unlike before 'coz I have to bring the celfone with me.
26. TV stand
This thing made our apartment look more organize & spacious.
27. Airconditioner
I'm happy to see my kids sound assleep in an aircondition room, making our room look cozy and clean.
29. Goodhousekeeping cookbook
I've tried some of the recipes featured in this book. To come up with a nutritous and stomach satisfying dish/es on a daily basis is becoming a predicament to some mothers like me, this book will definitely help me especially when John is here for a vacation.
30. Simplify and Live a Good Life book by Bo Sanchez
This book help me realize how much blessings and graces I have received already and reminded me to thank God for them.
31. My kids' school
Mary Immaculate is where I enrolled CJ to finish his elementary and it's a few blocks away from where we live. Whereas Acey is a fresh student in Achievers where CJ finished his pre school. Both are given the chance to interact with other kids and develop their social skills. Both school offer reasonable tuition fees.
32. AOL
AOL is the best company I have ever worked for. Employees are pampered here, we have GYM and the favorite activity we do here is singing using the videoke, this is where I discovered I can be a singer even when out of tune. We have free meals and service. However, late part of 2007, a buy out happened which means eTelecare is now the new management. The same benefits is being provided to employees, though we expect a lot of changes hopefully positive ones, this year.
33. PET Department
This Department is composed of diverse people. Some are wacky like me, few are serious individual but all are people with substance.
34. Power Extreme Gym
I started working out 2 months ago and I love sweating to the max. I didn't expect that it's going to be this enjoyable. I look forward going to the gym right after work except when I have to do something else.
35. MayFlower St.-residence
The place where we reside now is very accessible. It's close to my parents house, CJ's school, to the GYM etc.
36. Apartment
To live seperately is the best decision I have ever made in my entire life. Our apartment is big enough for our family. It has 2 rooms and a second floor and far from noise produce by tricycles and other vehicles.
37. The old house
We call our in laws' house the "old house" or in our dialect "bale matwa". I bring my kids here often so they can bond with their cousins.
38. Robinson Abacan
This is where we do the groceries. Sometimes, celebrities are there to entertain and promote movies or albums. This is why my kids are aware of our local celebrities, they get to see them in person especially celebrities from kapuso network.
39. Fastfood such as Jollibee & KFC
CJ, Acey and I are chickenholic. We love to eat chicken especially when it's deep fried. We eat and we bond.
40. Movie night
Every day off I make it a point to watch movie at night, either drama or comedy. I would buy pirated DVDs or borrow from friends.
41. Breakfast during day off
I make it a point I eat my favorite breakfast every day off with my kids and that's pandesal with coffee.
42. Grocery time
Before going to the supermarket, I ensure I have listed everything I need to buy like toiletries, food, drinks etc., especially when I have to do it within 30 minutes when leaving CJ & Acey in the playhouse right in front of the supermarket. That's 50 pesos per child for 30 minutes and I don't wanna pay extra. It’s a weekly thing I enjoy accomplishing.
43. Talent to be funny
To be able to crack jokes with a timing is a gift for me. It feels good to hear my colleagues laugh hard at my jokes and with my hirit. Afterall, laughing is one form of exercise.
44. Cooking skills
I can't say that I'm a good cook but I can cook. I used to watch Heny Sison with my sister and we'll sometimes try the recipe. Until now, I still watch the same program from other network. Also, I'm hook to "At Home Ka Dito" especially the portion where celebrity houses or bedroom are given a new look.
45. AOL Family Day
I always look forward to Family Day at AOL, which is being held yearly. This is the chance I can bring my kids in our office and show them with my officemates. My gorgeous son CJ and pretty little Acey deserves to be exposed to people once in a while.
46. MoneyMatters
A lending business that I partnered with Ednalee and Pao, however, we decided to put it to a halt due to minor collection problems. We felt it is no longer feasible to continue it since HSBC is giving financial assistans to eTelecare employees who can borrow as much as 100 thousand pesos.
47. Medicard
This the best benefit we get from AOL/eTelecare. Medicard is such a big help to us. Free consultation to accredited doctors and free hospitalization not to mention free medicine of Php 5000 worth per year per member. A comprehensive medical insurance and an enormous blessing to consider since not all companies endow such benefit.
48. Friendster account
I am just glad I started my own friendster account. I get in touch with old and new friends. Not only that, you get to see them through their latest pictures.
I am thankful to one of my officemate for encouraging me to register to I won 3000 worht of E-money that I use to purchase the JML Easy stitch, lacoste polo shirt, weight scaler and the universal waist belt.
50. Yahoo account
Aside from Friendster, I get in touch with friends & family through yahoomail. I'm fond of writing long emails especially to my sister. I have the liberty to do that even if I'm in the office as long as I can finish my work and done discreetly.
8 months ago
i enjoyed reading your blog... especially '50 blessings and more' it somehow made me realize and be thankful of the smallest things that sometimes we ought to disregard but in reality, they help us in so many ways... i commend ur optimism...
Thanks Parx fro reading my blog and most especially for leaving your comment, 'really appreciate it.
More blessings for all of us in 2008:)
Hi again. This is a nice passage. It can humble a person. I'm glad to see that things have changed (at least for some) in the Philippines. There are employers that provide medical benefits to their employees and people are able to live comfortable lives. Honestly speaking, I'm sick of hearing how people exploit money from others by saying how poor the Philippines is, yet they don't do anything to better themselves. During my last visit there in May - June, I saw how much the job market differs. I went to different department stores in different areas and I noticed that 95% of the salespeople (whitecollar jobs) were quite young, while those in the food service, security and janitorial positions are older people. Even in the classified section of the newspapers they post the requirements where they're looking for recent college grads, single and under a certain age. Here in the US, that is considered discrimination. We are not even allowed to put our race, age, religion, ethnicity on resumes. It's against the law. Going back to your blog, I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who's not much of a cook. You know me, I grew up in the states, but when I lived in the PI, we had a maid who did all the cooking and ironing. Those are pretty much the only tasks I can't do. Well, I can, but I'm not very good at it. I am getting a knack for cooking as before, I really hated it. What's good is, even though my cooking doesn't turn out as I expected, my kids will eat it. Also, through Friendster, I could see how my classmates/friends are doing and I'm glad to see that alot of you guys are so successful. Society has already accepted women working outside the home, some even abroad and men are becoming the primary (or even secondary) caregivers of their own children. At least, no one has to starve. Anyway, more power to you and your family. Keep up the good work and enjoy life because you only live once.
Hi, Saw that you mentioned "Bo Sanchez - Simplify and Live a Good Life" if so - you might be interested to reserve your Nov 28-29, 2009 for a chance to hear him live/see him/have your books signed at the Araneta Coliseum for the once in a lifetime event "Dream Big, Win Big".
It's a big learning event about "dreaming big in your life and using your core gifts to follow your dream". Yes it's a catholic event, there's mass and worship but there's also a lot of singing and dancing and comedy as well as the huge message on big dreams. See you or your friends there!
Conference Details at
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