Friday, February 29, 2008
Days Spent with Friends
My friends and I decided that we still watch BFGF. Sunday is family day and my kid’s nanny was still on day off. So we chose to do it last Monday. I was at the meeting place at exactly 10am, that’s in Robinson mall in Balibago. After 5 to 10 minutes, the 2 girls arrived. Showing starts at 12nn so we were too early for the movie. We strolled around the mall, bought snacks, each took a bottled water, chips & chocolate bar. Then we went to SM Clark to watch BFGF. Cinemas in SM are open as early as 10am I think. When we got there, the movie was about to start.
My Best Friend Girl Friend is a typical feel good movie, we enjoyed it though. We adore the beautiful face of Richard Gutierrez. Marian Rivera was sexy in the said film. I just didn’t like the acting of Ellah Madrigal who played the role of Richard’s girlfriend. She was trying hard and unnatural playing the rich and strict GF to Richard. Anyways, the movie was entertaining.
After the movie, we had lunch in KFC. I tried their strawberry blizz but it wasn’t good. The additional 20 pesos I paid for that drink wasn’t worth it (lol). We finished lunch at 2pm and we’re still hyper to do something else, so we went to Parkson duty free. I bought unbelievably cheap toys for CJ & Acey. A battle bida man toy for CJ worth less than 30 pesos and Squirt stuff toy for Acey worth 80 pesos. While Josielyn and Marlyn purchased school bags for their kids, all on bargain too.
I got home at 5pm.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Be a Bloggerwave Member!
Bloggerwave is aiming to be Europe’s biggest advertising media on blogs. To sign up is a simple and easy step. Simply log on to www.bloggerwave .com and click on BLOGGERS option. From there. follow the step by step procedure that you can accomplish in a couple of minutes, then wait for a confirmation email, voila, you are now a certified Bloggerwave member.
Just write your opinion about products and services that Bloggerwave will assign you. You can add as much as 5 blogs which will give you the opportunity to earn more.
So if you’re always in front of the computer, I urge you to start your blog now and register with Bloggerwave.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
8 Random Facts about CJ & Acey
1. His real name is Cerjan Latrell D. Santos. We got his second name from an NBA star.
2. CJ finished his pre school in Achievers and transferred in Mary Immaculate school which is several blocks away from where we live but I might transfer him back to Achievers.
3. He won the title Mr. Kindergarten during Achievers fest in October 2005.
4. He won best in costume when he joined the UN Parade in Mary Immaculate school in 2006. He was Mr.France then.
5. His favorite movie is Narnia.
6. He would either use his PS2 or play games online from cartoon network website 2 to 3 hours daily.
7. He’s hyperactive, affectionate and picky when it comes to food. Cowhead fresh milk is his favorite.
8. He treasure the celfone that his dad gave him last Christmas.
1. Her real name is Arabela Crystel D. Santos.
2. She’s now a nursery student in Achievers School and consistently belongs to top 10 in the class with an average grade of 91.
3. She eats anything, pork is her favorite.
4. Acey is obedient, studious and affectionate.
5. She loves make up and clothes.
6. On Fridays, she spent hours chatting with her Dada.
7. She treat her tito Clark her second dad.
8. She’s afraid of lizards.
I am now passing this tag to: Minette, Bang and HappyMommi
Monday, February 25, 2008
Family Day
We had shanghai rolls, tocino, soup, nilaga & lechon kawali for dinner. While my sister in law was busy wrapping shanghai rolls, she instructed me to do the dessert. I boiled a whole pack of Agar almond flavor gulaman, added a little of sugar and when it’s hard enough to slice, I added pineapple chunks and condensed milk, unfortunately, there was no fruit cocktail available at that time, it tasted good anyway.
I took a picture while everybody was busy eating during dinner, however, it’s my brother in law’s digicam that I used so I can not upload them in my PC and share them with you.
At 9:30 pm, we called it a night.
So there, Sunday is always a family day.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Stylish Eyeglasses from Zenni Optical
For as low as $8.00, you can buy fashionable and unbelievably affordable eyeglasses in Zenni Optical and take note they’re absolutely made with good quality. The reason for this great deal is because Zenni Optical manufacture their frames and sells them directly to their customers. They don’t hire middlemen or anyone to do the advertising for them. As we all know, advertising cost enormous money for a company.
My parents sometimes would ask for a replacement of their eyeglasses as birthday gift. Now I have an idea what to give them, I’ll simply log on to and ask them to choose the eyeglass they think would best suit their tastes.
Zenni Optical is definitely one of my Best Thing Found in the internet.
To have an idea, check the pictures below.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Business Assignment

Certainly, starting a business requires a lot of research, patience and hardwork but we're all willing to give it a try. I hope, pray & wish it will succeed and become fruitful.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at
Subscribe to Cosmopolitan Magazine at a 63% discount!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
After the Love Has Gone

I'm writing you this letter to tell you that I'm leaving you forever. I've been a good man to you for seven years and I have nothing to show for it.
These past two weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today and that was the last straw.
Last week, you came home and didn't even notice that I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal and even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in two minutes, and went straight to sleep after watching all your soaps. You don't tell me you love me anymore; you don't want sex or anything that connects us as husband and wife.
Either you're cheating on me or you don't love me anymore; whatever the case, I'm gone.
Your EX-Husband
P.S. Don't try to find me. Your SISTER and I are moving away to
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dear Ex-Husband:
Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It's true that you and I have been married for seven years, although a good man is a far cry from what you've been.
I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining and griping. Too bad that doesn't work.
I DID notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the first thing that came to my mind was 'You look just like a girl!' Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can't say something nice, I didn't comment.
And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MY SISTER, because I stopped eating pork seven years ago!
About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, and I prayed that it was a coincidence that MY SISTER had just borrowed fifty dollars from me that morning.
After all of this, I still loved you and felt that we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for ten million dollars, I quit my job and bought us two tickets to
I hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won't get a dime from me. So take care.
Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell and Free!
P.S. I don't know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that's not a problem.
Friday, February 15, 2008
AI season 7
Wow!!! another Filipina made it to the top 24. Isn’t that great? Of course it is.
I watched the recent Pinoy Big Brother celebrity edition religiously and made my forecast on who will end up in the Big 4 and I was right for picking Will Devaugh, Gaby Dela Merced, Riza Santos who was my favorite among housemates and Ruben Gonzaga who I expected to be the big winner.
Since season 1, I only watch American Idol on its latter part to witness the final winner. But this time, I plan to watch the season 7 of American Idol from start to finish especially that a Filipina is part of the 24 finalists.
Ramiel Malubay is petite with powerful voice. She made the right choice of song when she auditioned and rendered it perfectly in her own style. She was sincerely smiling and humbly thanked the judges after stating their compliments about her physical feature and talent.
I know it’s too early to reveal my forecast but I have a strong feeling that Ramiel will make it to as far as top 5. I won’t ambitiously say she will be the final winner and the first Filipina American Idol but with evident and distinctive talent that she has, why not?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
V Day!!!
John never failed to remember me whenever there are occasions such as valentines day. Years ago, I can vividly recall receiving inexpensive tofiluk chocolates for mothers day from John because at that time he was jobless. Really, it’s the thought that counts. John has proven to me many times how important I am to him. I always give him perfume as gift because it’s his weakness. He loves to smell good always.
If only John is here, I’ll either invite him to see a movie and dine out or cook him special meal.
To my fellow wives whose husband is just around the corner (lol), exert an effort to make this day truly special and remarkable for both of you.
So whether your inlove or loveless, happy valentines day!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Acey turned 5!
My little girl just turned 5 yesterday. Our original plan was to bring food for her classmates and teachers in their classroom supposedly today, but Acey changed her mind all of a sudden, fickle minded girl.
So yesterday, my mom and I cooked the usual birthday food like spaghetti, chicken, hotdogs on stick plus I bought yummy sansrival cake in goldilocks. I invited my in laws through text and I’m glad they arrived. Acey enjoyed her birthday celebration.
My hubby called in the morning to greet his angel and to find out what gift Acey would like to receive from him. After they talk, my husband instructed me to buy the guitar gift that Acey requested. Earlier, I went to SM Clark and bought a highschool musical guitar. I was eyeing for the Barbie guitar but the salesperson recommended the highschool musical guitar which is better and a little cheaper.
CJ saw the gift and he knew it was for Acey. He waited for his little sister and upon hearing the horn of the service, he hurriedly went out of the house to look for Acey and cheerfully handed the gift to her. As expected, Acey was delighted and thanked her brother. I’m touched with what I witnessed. Their love for each other is so pure and inspiring.
While I write this post, Acey is playing with her guitar and I can’t concentrate but its fine. She deserve to be happy and I want her to enjoy every little thing she receive.
I wish my little girl happiness and contentment. I want her to remember that she’s a gift from God to me & John.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Let's Play is an online casino review website. It provides online gamers with review of game experience, trust score and bonuses offered by each casino including all American Casinos. These are factors that players are looking into when choosing online casino game to achieve the ultimate online game experience. You can check in the site the top 20 reviewed casinos. Online games include online poker, craps, slots and roulette.
The players participate in reviewing online casino game by rating them based on their own gambling experience. Also, players can win signup bonus banners on every review page. Many casino signup bonuses are greater than what the online casinos offer directly.
If you wanna give casino online a try, visit website.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Kung Hei Fat Choi!
Before, I don’t believe in Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui until I rented an apartment and lived on my own. When in the mall, usually in SM, I would take a look at the displayed Feng Shui items but I suppressed myself from buying simply because I think it’s better to receive them as gift from someone else like friend or family. I now have the earth rat holding a pineapple filled with coins for WEALTH.

I have faith in God. If you want your life to be better, you got to do something about it. I personally believe that what you sow is what you reap but there’s nothing wrong believing and trying Feng Shui stuff.
Happy Chinese New Year Everyone! May the year of the earth rat bring more joy, wealth and good health to every family & better economy especially for our country.
I love Smorty
My friends who visited my blog have been asking me how can they do the same. How I learned about blog advertising. I told them it’s a very easy step. First, start a blog. A blog is like an online diary. You can write anything about you, your daily encounters and opinions about people, events and products. In my case, I enjoy expressing my thoughts through writing. The second step is wait for your blog to become 90 days old, then register to Smorty.
Smorty is a service connecting advertisers with bloggers. All you have to do is write articles about available advertisers. You also need to provide links that your readers can access and will lead them to the advertisers site, once your post is approve, Smorty will immediately pay you.
Updating my blog and accessing my Smorty account to check for opportunities is now part of my daily activity. As I have mentioned before, there’s nothing better to be able to do something you enjoy and get paid.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Online Casino is an online casino review website. It provides online gamers with review of game experience, trust score and bonuses offered by each casino including all American Casinos. These are factors that players must take into consideration when choosing online casino game to ensure an exciting gambling experience.
Further, you can win bonus by simply clicking on the sign up bonuses on every review page while on the homepage.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
But I met Ezria yesterday while she waited for her turn in her OB gyne. While in Singapore where she is currently working, she was diagnosed to have myoma and she needed to undergo an operation. This is her primary reason why she’s home. She didn’t waste time to visit her OB Gyne for a second opinion. The same diagnosis was found and the same suggestion was made. Now she’s thinking when to have the operation. She can not file a leave for 2 months considering that she was just granted a week vacation for a check up but she needed the operation before her situation become worst. It’s really a dilemma on her part.
Josielyn arrived before Ezria finished talking to her OB Gyne. We headed to Robinsons in Balibago for a sumptuous lunch in Aling Lucing where the famous Kapampangan sizzling sisig is served. Afterwards, we went to SM Clark and had a light merienda in Go Nuts Donuts.We discussed about the business we plan to put up We had salacious conversation and we laughed all the time. We truly enjoyed the bonding and before I knew it, ‘twas past 5 in the afternoon already! We called it a day and I hurriedly went home. It’s the start of my graveyard shift. I relaxed for an hour, checked the assignment of my kids, then brought them to their lola before I headed to work.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Promoting Smorty
I advised her to visit the site of Smorty and learn further how blog advertising works. Look what Smorty can do for me, it pays me for something I love doing which is blogging and at the same time, it gives me opportunity to help others too, isn’t that amazing?
I certainly want to help more people so I will continue to spread goodnews about Smorty.
How's schooling?
I got Acey’s class card yesterday at the same time paid for their fieldtrip scheduled on February 07, 3 days before her birthday. She was able to maintain her high grades. She got 92 average and ranked 4 in their section. I’m so proud of my little girl.
As soon as she arrived home from school, she will do her assignment before anything else. She’s very responsible, affectionate and thoughtful.
I’ll be getting CJ’s classcard tomorrow morning since I’ll be on a graveyard shift for 6 weeks…OUCHHHH!!! He passed all his exams in all his subjects during their third periodical test except for Math. Still, I’m hoping he won’t have any failing grades. To help him, I got him a tutor and focused on the Math subject. The tutorial started two Saturdays ago. Last time, CJ showed me the assignment he accomplished to verify if the computation (division) was done right. Guess what? He was perfect!
I plan on enrolling CJ to KUMON this summer to better his Math skills while Acey will be taking music lesson. I want their summer to be as productive as possible.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
How do you know that a company provides excellent service? Well, it’s easy as 1 2 3. Listen to what the current customers or client has to say about the service of the company.
I stumbled upon Ashop Shopping Cart Software website. I have read the testimonials of its customers and they are happy and satisfied with this award winning cart software. Ashop helps merchants build their business online with ease and confidence.
Further, I am impressed with all the powerful features stated in their site. Ashop is an affordable ecommerce software and accepts all major credit cards. Not only that, potential customers are given 10 day free trial, isn’t that awesome?
If I happen to be a merchant and will sell products online, I will definitely choose Ashop eCommerce software to be my partner in providing excellent service to my customers or clients.
Happy Birthday Mom!
It’s my mom’s birthday today. I know she’s 60 plus years old and when I asked her this morning about her exact age, she just smiled at me. Indirectly telling me the famous “next question please” line when people doesn’t want to answer the question.
My sister who is now in
My mom is loving, caring, compassionate & kind.
Every morning before I head to work, I would go to my parent’s house (our apartment is one block away from their apartment) and have a short conversation with my mom.
My husband is working abroad but I never felt alone & helpless because I’m getting abundance of support from my parents especially my mom. My hubby is confident that me & our kids are in good hands.
My parents are renting an apartment and it’s only now they decided to have their own house. My brother and his family are living with them. I’m very excited for them. I make sure that I give my little contribution in the process of constructing their house. I showed my brother sites I visited showing floor plans of houses from various subdivisions just so he will have an idea. I also recommended an engineer who will produce the blueprint of the house and will lead the entire construction.
When we went to Manaoag, one of my prayers is that, may the dream of my parents to have their own house in a 300 square meter lot they owned may turn into realization. God indeed listened to my prayers.
I wish my mom good health so she will have many years to enjoy her new home.
Friday, February 1, 2008
I learned about PPP by reading blogs of other people. I know they are happy with PPP because they highly recommend it to others. One of the bloggers mentioned that PPP's pay is higher which I think is true. I've used their contact support and swiftly got a reply from them. This only proves that your concern is their concern.
I'm serious about earning extra money by blogging. I want to improve my financial freedom. I want to be worry free while I send my kids to school. I want to be able to buy some stuff for myself such as digicam, branded shoes and appliances. The best part is, I can continue my current job while blogging. They always say you can not serve two masters at the same time BUT not in this case. You're not forced to sacrifice one thing for another.
I will certainly recommend PPP to other bloggers who haven't registered yet.