She has been my kid’s nanny for almost 3 years. She treated my kids like her own and have been patient especially to CJ whenever he has tantrums. Though she can’t cook, it’s not a problem for us since we receive daily supply of cooked food from my mom. She’s recommending her sister to be her replacement but she isn’t available until next week and there was uncertainties when she told me about it.
I can definitely say that I’ve been considerate and kind employer to her. I’ve given her countless favors especially financial matters.
Now my mom is helping me look for someone to replace Ate Nits as soon as possible at least before classes will start next week.
Problem such as this would mean headache and stress. Oh life!!!
hope you can find a good replacement soon. i know school starts in weeks. good luck.
Wah, i had the same experience too sis when niece left. But im lucky after a week to have found a helper.
Niece was a lot of help here as she cooked and washed the dishes.
Now i have back my niece and i have a househelp.
Sis pls visit my new blog at
i hope you'll find a good replacement for her soon.:)
Sis,i hope you are doing fine in there. I know how it is to be without a help. Stay fit and healthy for your family.
i really understand how you felt. i had been spoiled-rotten in the philippines as i got lots of help, but now in the UK?no more...but i understand that you are working,my friend, so really it is an adjustment again. hehehe, yes, oh, buhay!!!!hehehe. i will often say that!!!!i would say, "hay, buhay!!!!" it is not easy!
Hello my friend. I know how you feel not having the regular househelp. I grew up having a "katulong" when we lived there in the PI, but when we got to the states, wala na. I really do hope that you find her replacement as you are a working mother. I am a stay-at-home mother for my 2 kids and they did not have the luxury of having a yaya or any househelp, except when we vacation in the PI. I believe that it would be practical though, to teach your kids some of their typical daily routine, just so that they won't be completely independent on their yaya. Also, it would help you in the long run. They will grow up knowing that they can do things on their own. It will build up their self-esteem. You know me, I grew up in the states. I don't know what my classmates and neighbors thought of me with my limited Tagalog skills and the fact that I wasn't Philippine-born. I was so simple, not flashy, nor extravagant. But our katulong was just a cook and the one who ironed our clothes. I did the laundry and did some chores around the house, like dusting and vacuuming. My parents were both working too. I did get some praise from one of our new maids one day because she didn't expect that I would be doing anything around the house. I'm trying to set the same sentiments with my own children, as they are getting older. Luckily, they are slowly learning. As opposed to there, they have one more week of school left and I already told them that they won't be sitting around the house watching TV. But rather, they will help me make something of our house. We just moved in our home in mid-February. But I got in a car accident and couldn't do alot of the heavy stuff (unloading boxes and placing everything.) Now that I'm almost fully recovered, I can do most of what has to be done. Also, since school will be out soon, I will be able to finish a task. You know how it is when you start on something and you have to stop because you have to do something else more important. That's what's been happening. I'd have to stop so I could and pick the kids up from school, or it's time to prepare a meal. Hay buhay nga. Well, friend, I have to go. I enjoy reading your blogs. Let's keep in touch.
I sympathize with you, but then again you're still very lucky to have your mom around to help you with other things. Here in US a SAHM like me doesn't get any help at all, I strike anywhere. I hope you get a helper soon.
Random Thoughts
Mira's Web Journal
A Moment to Exhale
Time of Respite
My Kitchen Table
Hi Aids! I was just blog hopping..Been away for awhile so thought of stopping by..
Anyway, I know how you feel. Our Nanny has been with us for 6 years and I know I will be feeling the same someday. Hopefully not in the near future..I hope you can find a replacement of her soon! It's not easy without a yaya this days!
Take care and hope all are well!
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