Every night you hear in the news companies closing down, retrenching employees and this all because of global crisis. This is scary and depressing at the same time especially if you are currently employed and the company you are working for is in the verge of closing down. Recently, Intel and Panasonic factories located in Cavite Philippines confirmed they will stop operating which means thousands of Filipinos will become jobless at the start of 2009.
I work for a call center and as early as now I’m contemplating on what to do just in case I’m one of those who will be on forced leave or worst be retrenched by our company. I’m the type of a person who always look at the brighter side of things no matter how obnoxious the situation is. However, I am also realistic and one of my plans of action is to resort to homebased jobs and concentrate on blog advertising. I like the thought of working in the comfort of my home.
I’ve been blogging for over a year now and have earned a few bucks from paid blogging, however, I seldom receive opps and I envy those bloggers whose blog is filled with paid posts. Admittedly, I inconsistently update my blog especially when busy with my regular job, but now, I am determined to focus on my blog, as a matter fact, I have just registered with Paying Post to earn extra income.
I discovered Paying Post from fellow bloggers. Signing up with Paying Post is definitely free. All you have to do is visit www. PayingPost.com then click on the Blogger option and fill up the application form online. You maybe assured after 24 hours you will be notified through email of the status of your application. Once approved, the first thing that you do is to add your blog and install the code, this is important because failing to do so, would mean no opportunites to write and no extra income.
Becoming a Paying Post member brings a lot of benefits to bloggers. It lets you write your opinion on products and services from advertisers, it enhances your writing skills and predominantly gives you extra income you needed especially in this time of crisis.
8 months ago
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