Today my little girl Acey turned 6 years old. A pre celebration happened last February 02 which happens to be my mom's birthday too. And today I just cooked spaghetti and springrolls and I promised my daughter her birthday celebration next year will be a little bigger when she turns 7 years old. Hubby called lunchtime to greet Acey but she was still in school. He called again at 5pm and this time he was able to talk to our little girl.
Acey is a loving & obedient daughter. She's focused in her studies. Even if hubby works abroad and get the chance to be with us only when he comes home for a vacation, Acey is close to him, admitttedly, my daughter is a daddy's girl. The only thing that my little girl needs to overcome is her shyness and we agreed she will enrol in either a music or ballet class this summer.

happy birthday acey! :) {hay} kabilis dang daragul deng anak ta neh jo?
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