Thursday, December 23, 2010
I Got Featured!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
A little something from Hubby

Have a Blessed and Peaceful Holiday Season:)
Monday, November 29, 2010
DIY Cupcake Stand for Toots' Birthday
I volunteered to take care of the tower cupcake. I inquired to one of the cupcake seller in multiply and attempted to order. It took 5 days for the exchange of messages (excluding the days the multiply seller didn’t reply in my emails) and when I was about to order, unfortunately, the delivery of the cupcake tower won’t make it on the day I needed it. I didn’t tell Collyn and other friends about it because I do not want to disappoint them. I do not want to hear “it’s okay” when in fact it’s not, considering I had enough time to order it.
It’s already Saturday and the event will be held at night. I got in touch with cupcake sellers I know who owns cupcake tower and ask if I can rent it and VIOLA…NOT AVAILABLE! I was so unlucky that day...I got stressed!!! Then I thought of the DIY cupcake stand I read in one of the blogs I follow. I run into the craftstore to buy all the materials needed and assembled everything with the help of my little girl Acey. It may not be a 5 tier cupcake tower as originally planned, it’s just a mini cupcake stand AND when I saw the finish product in the picture with the actual cake and cupcakes on it, oh boy, you’ll agree with me if I say it’s a BEAUTIFUL mini cupcake stand. This is one of the nicest and cutest thing I’ve done in my entire life. Here are the photos and let me know what you think…

Saturday, November 13, 2010
Kids love Snack Time
I made hotdog & cheese sandwich ala Jolly Hotdog two Saturdays ago and baguette pizza for today. Incidentally, my son’s classmate who happens to be a distant relative was here to enjoy the snack as well.
Our tummies are full and happy.
Have a great weekend!!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
A Spooky October 31
CJ was captain John Smith while Acey was a little fairy. I wore black top, jeans and higheeled black shoes and tried to copy the seductive vampire make up of Michelle Phan minus the contact lens. Unfortunately, I didn't have close up picture because I was busy taking photos of my kids. I used Acey's headband with a black flower to match my get up, I actually planned on putting a tool on it and some feathers to make it look like an empire hat just like what the designer Mich Dulce was known for, but there was not enough time for me to execute my kikay idea.
We arrived at the venue on time and I brought chocolate rumble from goldilocks. The hosts of the event were busy arranging the candies, materials for the games and making the venue spooky looking. Whenever guests would arrive, they get giddy taking pictures of the venue, the food plus kids wearing costume.
Kids enjoyed the candies more than the food. They got energized after the first game which was the "donut eating contest" and I did an impromptu hosting for the second game because my batchmate was already exhausted and requested me to facilitate the "picture perfect" game.It was another memorable Halloween event for my kids. CJ and Acey's pumpkin baskets were almost 100% filled with candies and they shared some with their cousin the next morning.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Stage Mom
But before my vacation, I got too busy accompanying my kids in their practice and performance for the Achiever’s School Festival. My eldest CJ joined the Cheering Dance competition held last October 27. He was also part of the Jabbawokidz who rendered a special dance number in the early part of the program. CJ was undeniably excited before, during and after the Jabbawokeez performance. He considered it as one of the happiest event in his life. He would watch Jabbawokeez in youtube almost everyday as part of his preparation for their dance number. Unlike in the Cheerdance, he joined because it was a requirement, their grades in PE subject will be based in their participation in the Festival.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Cebu Business Trip
We're happy to meet warm and accomodating people in our Cebu office. I'm certain Toots and I were able to serve our purpose in going there. We were productive all through out our stay and having the opportunity to present to our boss some reports related to our queue and our contributions to the success of the entire queue was considered an "Oh Shit Moment!", we gave our best and we were more than pleased with the result.

Back to Blogging

Now I can say, once a blogger, will always be a blogger.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Happy Kids
CJ, my eldest, is always ready to participate in games and befriend all the kids. On the other hand, my little princess Acey is the shy and reserve type, she's more interested in the party food and loot bags (LOL).
For this month of July, we attended 2 birthday parties, the first one was held first week of July and the other one was last Saturday. The pictures taken on last Saturday's birthday party were not uploaded yet but here are the photos taken by an officemate and a fellow blogger CandidMom who I think is a promising great photographer.

Monday, July 19, 2010
Healthy Packed Lunch
Last Monday, I cooked Tofu in Oyster sauce I learned from Ms. Caren Yrastorza's blog. This is the main reason why I often visit food blogs. I compile easy to cook dishes that I think my kids would love to eat during their lunch break. I always remind my kids there is always time for everything, time to study, play and eat and it is important for them to take their break and savor the rice & viand I cooked for them with love to make them stay healthy and alert.
Here is a pic of the Tofu with Oyster Sauce:
Today, I cooked home made chicken nuggets. I marinated chicken breast cut into cubes in oyster sauce, garlic and salt & pepper and deep fried it this morning. Sadly, it slipped my mind of taking a photo of it, I was understandably too busy preparing my kids for school.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Before and After Meal Photos

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Early Dinner with Friends
I really had a great time dining with my friends at work, savoring the food with a lot of laughter and friendly love...it was HEAVEN! In between meals and before we head back to our respective homes, we took a lot of photos in and outside NYS, I'll share the photos of the dish we had for now. More pics in my next blog. Enjoy viewing them.

group pic after eating...allan, arlene, minette, me, vic, jovy and bobot
Happy weekend dear fellow bloggers:)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Lip Art
Thursday, June 24, 2010
How to be HAPPY

Monday, June 21, 2010
Sweet Treats on Father's Day
It was a pre ordered cake, I was undecided what design I like, I just told Annali (the cake maker) any design for as long as the phrase “Happy Father’s Day!” is written on it. I was delighted to see the design of the cake, simple and cute. The icing or the sugar paste is not too thick so you can tolerate the sweetness coming from the sugar and most of all, we love how super moist the cake was.
I also made mango sago dessert. I ‘ve been wanting to do this last summer while mango fruit is in season, perfect dessert on a humid day but I had a hard time looking for sago (Acey calls it baby sago). When finally I was able to buy sago and found the easiest cooking directions in google, I lost the momentum doing it.
While buying ingredients for the pasta I brought in my brother-in-laws despidida party last Saturday, I also bought readily peeled and sliced mangoes. I have ready ingredients so there was no excuse for me not to make mango dessert. My family enjoyed and loved it!