CJ was captain John Smith while Acey was a little fairy. I wore black top, jeans and higheeled black shoes and tried to copy the seductive vampire make up of Michelle Phan minus the contact lens. Unfortunately, I didn't have close up picture because I was busy taking photos of my kids. I used Acey's headband with a black flower to match my get up, I actually planned on putting a tool on it and some feathers to make it look like an empire hat just like what the designer Mich Dulce was known for, but there was not enough time for me to execute my kikay idea.
We arrived at the venue on time and I brought chocolate rumble from goldilocks. The hosts of the event were busy arranging the candies, materials for the games and making the venue spooky looking. Whenever guests would arrive, they get giddy taking pictures of the venue, the food plus kids wearing costume.
Kids enjoyed the candies more than the food. They got energized after the first game which was the "donut eating contest" and I did an impromptu hosting for the second game because my batchmate was already exhausted and requested me to facilitate the "picture perfect" game.It was another memorable Halloween event for my kids. CJ and Acey's pumpkin baskets were almost 100% filled with candies and they shared some with their cousin the next morning.
Aids, looks like the party was a blast. Makes me want to host a Halloween party next year. I love pictures presented esp. the food. It's like I am seeing a party on one of the bloggers in US. Hehe! Your kids are cute in their costumes and you are pretty in your get-up! :D
Hi Marj,
Thanks for the comment. Just like you, I feel like hosting a halloween party on 2011. It's actually a lot of fun, kids will definitely have a better definition of November 01.
I wish my son would attend one of those parties and I would dress him like a handsome prince :). Buy we dont have much of those events here. BTW your children looked great in the costumes!
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