Me and two of my officemates participated in the QTV 11 "Love to Watch, Love to Bid" promo giving away big time prizes such as trip for 4 to hongkong, laptop, gym equipment, spa treatment for 12 months and a lot more. This was in the last quarter of 2009. We made a joint effort logging in to WMN website to earn points, unfortunately, we did not win any of the prizes. We accumulated more than a million points at the end of the contest period and we were surprised to know that other participants earned as much as 10 million points...unbelievable yet amazing.
After this particular contest, WMN promised to come up with a lot of promo to give chances to unlucky "Love to Watch, Love to Bid" participants and so they did. One of them was for mommies to send their pictures with their kids and write about their tips for looking and staying young, this is specifically a contest of the show "Full time Moms" hosted by Christine Jacob Sandejas and Suzi Antrata. Winner will receive one year's worth of Tri-Aktiline. Yours truly participated and the tips I shared was chosen by Full Time Moms staff & judges. I received my prize few days before Christmas 2009.
Below are tips I shared for looking and staying young:
1. Spend time alone. Go to the mall and visit boutiques or stores and check on the new dress or bag and buy it for yourself as a reward for fulfilling your duty/ies as a full time mom consistently. You can not possibly do this if you tag along your kids whenever you go to the mall. This can be done while kids are at school.
2. Pamper Yourself. Regularly go to a spa for a relaxing body or foot massage. You may also visit your favorite salon for a hair treatment. It is not a sin to spend money earned by your hubby for some pampering.
3. Invest in beauty products. Your skin is never the same when you are young and now that you are in your 30’s. Good thing there are many available beauty products such as moisturizing creams, toner or clarifying lotion in the market. Some maybe expensive and some are affordable. It is a matter of choosing the product that will work well with your skin.
4. Mingle with friends. Go out or dine out with friends. Never stop seeing friends just because you have kids to take care of, never use that as an excuse. Everything is possible with time management. In fact, you should look forward to attending class reunion or bond with good old friends.
5. Never stop learning. Surf the net to learn new recipes and be updated with current events. Watch make up tutorials online that you can apply when you attend weddings or your kids’ graduation. There’s so much to learn right at your fingertips.
6. Pray and meditate. Have a peaceful and quiet time with Him because only God will understand what’s going on your mind. He knows if you need help or if you just want to thank Him for your inner happiness.
Tri Aktiline anti wrinkle cream is worth 2600 pesos per tube. I saw this cream displayed in the beauty section of SM Clark and in website. They sent me 4 tubes of Tri Aktiline anti wrinkle cream and I gave one for my mom and another one for my sister -in-law. I started using the product this month and so far so good.
It's been a while since I last visited website and when I did I was delighted to see my name in their website, congratulating me for winning in the Full Time Moms promo, so I saved a screenshot and here it is:

To my fellow moms, I suggest you visit website and try participating in their promos. Most importantly, let us all stay young & beautiful.
wow congratulations for winning. nasa website ka pa ha!
congratulations! and nice to see you back to blogging...
wow congratulation and visit me back :)
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