I'm crazy about two things and thats baking and make up. I made a blogroll about food and baking and I guess I should also make one for beauty and fashion.
I blogged about the coastal scents and Fashion 21 eye pallete I bought recently. I'm enjoying using the coastal scents pallette. There is a variety of eye make up color I can choose. I used different shades of green eye color to match the polo shirt I wear in last night's duty. Most of the time I use neutral colors and apply the make up techniques I learned from Michelle Phan and Exteeener whom I always watch via youtube. Just this week, I ordered Avon's mineral poweder foundation and I'm loving it!
In as much as I want to buy more make up and used different products for comparison purposes, I have other priorites. Make-up are pricey especially those branded ones. For now I am happy with the coastal scents and Fashion 21 eye make up I have. But I am happy I stumbled upon Shen's blog titled Shen's Addiction. Her blog is now 2 years and she's giving away assorted make up and cosmetics to lucky winners by following the instruction below:
The Body Shop
Maybelline Products
Ellana Minerals
Sun Life It's Time
Pureglow Minerals
Beauty and MineralsDollface
L'oreal Proffesionel
The Spa Gift Certificate
Ipanema GB collection Certificate
L'oreal Men Expertand hopefully a lot more
You can qualify to win the said prizes if you do the following:
1. Be a follower of this Shen's blog. :) This one is pretty easy.
2. Be a Fan of her FaceBook Fan Page
3. Be a twitter fan (www.twitter.com/shensaddiction). Tweet about the contest
4. Blog about her anniversary contest on your own blog (blog must be at least 3 months old.).
You can post a link of this contest on your FB account as well.
5. Post on comment box a link of your blog post with your email and country you reside in and answer this question, "I'd like to see more [insert topic here] posts."
6. You're done!Winners will be selected randomly via ramdomnes.org.
This contest will run from March 20 until April 30, 2010
I urge my fellow bloggers to join Shen's contest and who knows you might be the lucky winner!
8 months ago
I know a lot of ladies are into baking and make-up nowadays. What if we form a group with those interests? What do you think? :D
bright idea Marj...group of bloggers (fashion & baking) pampanga chapter....why not?
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