I volunteered to take care of the tower cupcake. I inquired to one of the cupcake seller in multiply and attempted to order. It took 5 days for the exchange of messages (excluding the days the multiply seller didn’t reply in my emails) and when I was about to order, unfortunately, the delivery of the cupcake tower won’t make it on the day I needed it. I didn’t tell Collyn and other friends about it because I do not want to disappoint them. I do not want to hear “it’s okay” when in fact it’s not, considering I had enough time to order it.
It’s already Saturday and the event will be held at night. I got in touch with cupcake sellers I know who owns cupcake tower and ask if I can rent it and VIOLA…NOT AVAILABLE! I was so unlucky that day...I got stressed!!! Then I thought of the DIY cupcake stand I read in one of the blogs I follow. I run into the craftstore to buy all the materials needed and assembled everything with the help of my little girl Acey. It may not be a 5 tier cupcake tower as originally planned, it’s just a mini cupcake stand AND when I saw the finish product in the picture with the actual cake and cupcakes on it, oh boy, you’ll agree with me if I say it’s a BEAUTIFUL mini cupcake stand. This is one of the nicest and cutest thing I’ve done in my entire life. Here are the photos and let me know what you think…