My Alma Mater, Angeles University Foundation (AUF), is a famous university here in Pampanga and it actually specializes in medical course. Beside it is the Angeles University Foundation Medical Center. Our school location has now become highly commercialized. You will see major fastfoods, drugstores and specialty stores that sells medical uniforms and scrubs, within the vicinity.
There are international students enrolled in AUF taking up medical courses such as Physical Therapy, Medical Technology and the likes. It's easy to identify them through their uniforms like the nursing students wearing medical nursing scrubs. And speaking of uniform, if I am a nursing student paying expensive tuition fee, instead of buying medical nursing scrubs within the university which is certainly more expensive, I'll resort to searching online on where to buy medical scrubs that offers big discounts.
In this time where prices of commodities including uniforms are skyrocketing, you need to be resourceful to be able to purchase the cheapest product made with quality.
8 months ago
panyamalan meng paclick mommy ads ing blog... hehehe..metung pa kanyan offer a makanini :0)
Found you on Mama's little nestwork. Cute blog and looking forward to reading more.
would love for you to follow back :-)
hi aileen, nice to see you again. thanks for the visit. sure i will do follow you sis.
Hello. Thank you so much for following my blog. I browsed through your blog and it's really cool. I especially love the food pics.
I followed you too!
Thank you Rebecca:)
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